For Candidates

Interim executives occupy a unique position within a company: They have a specific function; yet unlike employees, they are independent and have an outsider’s objectivity. They solve problems. They are motivated by complex, challenging situations, and focused on achieving the client’s objectives.

Over 30 years, Boyden has built a global network and community of highly qualified interim executives. These professionals have substantial expertise and are able to deliver value immediately and very effectively.

Typical scenarios include:

A career in interim management is dynamic and challenging, offering both variety and flexibility. Our interims have diverse expertise, acquired throughout a permanent career and enhanced through working across a portfolio of sectors and organizations, often as an interim.

How does your background and disposition align with the typical candidate profile?

Where do Boyden’s interim executives work?

Our clients are organisations of all sizes across a range of sectors:

  • Consumer & Retail
  • Private Equity
  • Technology / Media / Telecommunications (TMT)
  • Fintech
  • Financial Services
  • Transportation
  • Professional Services
  • Energy and Utilities
  • Higher Education
In what types of roles does Boyden place interim executives?

We focus on C-suite and senior executive roles in a range of functional disciplines:

  • Finance
  • General Management / CEO
  • Human Resources
  • Technology / Digital
  • Programme / Project Management
  • Operations
  • Supply Chain
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Investor Relations
  • Risk / Compliance

CEOs, CFOs, CIOs, CMOs, COOs, supply chain directors, operations managers, HR, technology and digital transformation leaders are most in demand

Dialoguez avec un expert

Chez Boyden, les associés ont une expérience accrue et un accès à l'industrie qui leur permet des résultats exceptionnels. Ce sont des experts en recherche de cadres, des conseillers de haut niveau et des mentors dévoués.

Interim Management Solutions Insights

Nous partageons nos connaissances pratiques dans divers rapports, interviews et blogs. Si l'un des sujets traités vous intéresse, contacter un associé Boyden ou le bureau régional.

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