Examining the obstacles faced by female executives, and how organizations can increase female leadership and reap the benefits.

Career Aspirations:
Dominated by personal growth and identity

Women Commit to Careers at Different Times
At school or university in the United Kingdom, and after a few years’ work in the Nordic region and German-speaking countries

When did you decide to pursue your career?

A Career Is a Major Part of a Woman’s Identity
Drivers are personal growth for Nordics and Southerners, identity and impact in the United Kingdom, and challenge for Nordics

What are your career motivators?

  1. Impact/Influence – UK dominates
  2. Challenge – Nordic dominates
  3. Lifestyle/Identity – UK dominates
  4. Personal Growth – Nordic, Southern
  5. Independence – German-speaking
  6. Recognition
  7. Power/Status – German-speaking, Nordic
  8. Money

Thoughts on Careers by Region

Impact, Lifestyle & Identity

United Kingdom

“I had ambition at school and chose a career for the future. It was the start of the digital age and I knew I would have a global career if I studied computer science and micro-processing.”
— Managing Director

“A career is a way I can develop my skills and contribute to the greater good to improve the wider world.”
— Senior Consultant

“I enjoy being independent, powerful and at the top of the hierarchy.”
— Chief Executive Officer

“For me it’s a story, not about different jobs. Each job morphed into the next one and I gradually moved from being a software engineer into management.”
— Managing Director

Personal Growth

Southern Europe

“A career is a path that leads you to self-esteem and personal satisfaction.”
— Regional Managing Director

“For me it is a path of thoughts which has been enhanced during my education and later on when I started my career.”
— HR Director

“A career is the evolution across time of your professional capabilities and competencies, to follow your passions and ambitions.”
— Country Head

“For me it is about reaching your objectives and facing new challenges, through very hard work.”
— Subsidiary Head

Independence, Power & Status

German-speaking countries

“A classic career is an opportunity to create something, involving leadership, innovation, P&L, networking, singular thinking, communications and high-tech.”
— Chief Executive Officer

“A career is life, it is my life task.”
— Director

“I wanted to join the top management to create things, to be creative and proud.”
— Chief Executive Officer

“I see a career as a professional occupation with an opportunity for personal growth to the advantage of the individual as well as the business.”
— General Manager

Challenge & Personal Development

Nordic Region

“I have never wanted a ‘position’ but a challenge.”
— Chief Executive Officer

“A career is about following my passion and my ambitions, increasing my responsibility.”
— Board Director                                         

“A career is a fulfilling position where I can influence decisions and continue to develop.”
— Chief Executive Officer      

“For me it is about development – personal as well as professional – on many different levels. It does not need to go in a straight line, but is a process of continuous development.”
— Chief Executive Officer

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