Tips & Advice

Starting out requires patience and an effective strategy for developing relationships within the industry, combined with utilising your own professional network.

Be committed: Interim management is a distinct career choice. Our clients require interim executives who will commit for the duration of the assignment, even if its exact length is unknown.

Network: A strong network is vital to a successful interim management career. Remember that your next assignment will likely be based on your performance in the last. While on assignment, build strong relationships. Between assignments, actively cultivate your next opportunity.

Stay in touch: As an interim, you are likely to be placed multiple times in the space of a few years. It is in your interest to stay in regular contact with us, keeping us apprised of any developments in your career. This can help ensure that you will be top of mind for new opportunities.

Where should I start?

There are preliminary steps you can take to launch a career in interim management:

Research the industry: Interim management is a unique industry, and one that requires a change in mind-set. You must be prepared to network, sell yourself, and react quickly when opportunities arise.

Prepare your CV: This is your primary opportunity to make an impression. Present your background completely yet succinctly. Highlight any projects or programmes that are 'interim' in nature. We also recommend having an up-to-date LinkedIn profile.

Lay the legal groundwork: If you are selected for an assignment, Boyden requires you to work through your own limited company. This is necessary to establish the proper contract of employment. There are also relevant legislation, regulatory and insurance requirements, which vary by country. You may contact us for details.

How to make your CV stand out

The interim executive’s CV is their most important document. It should be polished, professional, well thought-out and worthy of an accomplished executive. Above all, it should inspire confidence that you are capable and motivated to take on any challenge.

Think about your audience. At Boyden your information will be uploaded to a global database, where it must command the attention of consultants who are working under pressure. Make it easy for them to quickly understand why you are the most qualified candidate.

Focus on deliverables, outcomes, impact, size and scale. Your CV should communicate how you benefited each business you have worked with, whether in sales growth, margin improvement, efficiencies, overhead reduction or risk mitigation – and how quickly you were able to deliver results.

Make sure your experience is relevant and recent. Clients are most interested in what you have done within the past 5-10 years. When we present you as a candidate for a specific opportunity, we will work with you to highlight your most relevant projects.

Avoid common pitfalls. As interim solution providers, we are often required to work at a fast pace; therefore, candidates who present themselves in the clearest way and have the most relevant experience will likely be the candidates contacted for a role. The following will work against you:

  • Ambiguity: Ambiguity in your CV could cause you to be overlooked when we are looking for a specific skill set in a short timeframe. Clarity is imperative.
  • Text-heavy pages: Large blocks of text can be off-putting and easily overlooked. We recommend using bullet points and facts and figures, which can deliver your message much more powerfully.
  • Too much information: While the CV of an interim candidate is likely to be longer than most, it is still important to ensure that it is succinct and makes an impact in the first couple of pages.

Sprechen Sie mit einem Experten

Boyden Partner verfügen über die nötige Erfahrung, Zugang zu den entsprechenden Märkten und sind damit in der Lage, kurzfristig als professionelle Berater in schwierigen Situationen zu helfen.

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