Candidate Profile

Boyden is highly discerning in the placement of interim executives, and works with exceptionally qualified, experienced professionals, often with many years of experience. Candidates must be an excellent fit not only in terms of experience and expertise, but also in culture and leadership style.

Boyden’s interim executives have impeccable reputations, and over the course of their careers, have held leadership roles at multiple organisations. Others are younger managers who qualify for highly targeted assignments. Still others are entrepreneurial managers with startup experience.

They should be able to:

What qualities do we look for in an interim executive?

A combination of tangible and intangible qualities determines whether an individual will be successful as an interim. Some of these include:

Experience: Even if you’ve held executive-level roles and worked in challenging environments, you will need to demonstrate that you can do so successfully in an interim capacity. Interim executives need to integrate quickly and deliver results at pace, with or without support.

Ability to engage teams: Able to motivate, engage and operate with the intellectual and emotional intelligence to understand behaviours and team dynamics.

Leadership skills: Ability to step into a situation or crisis and provide objective leadership and a fresh perspective.

Broad context: A background characterised by complex and diverse experience across multiple organisations and sectors is highly advantageous.

Accessibility: Being accessible globally and nationally is essential, as many roles will require you to be based away from home Monday through to Friday. Availability and flexibility around the many variables of an assignment, such as location, rate, duration, etc. are also important.

Is interim management right for me?

If you are thinking about a career in interim management, there are various things to consider:

  • What is your market value?
  • Do you have past experience as an interim? If not, then how does your permanent experience help you transition into becoming an interim?
  • How many days do you want or need to work per year as an interim? You may want to prepare a business plan or financial assessment for your new life as an interim.
  • Do you have an interim CV prepared?

An interim management career requires flexibility, patience, strong networking skills, and an understanding of your ‘value proposition’, as well as the skill to translate and relate your experience and passion. This is equal in importance to your ability to fulfil an interim project.

Dialoguez avec un expert

Chez Boyden, les associés ont une expérience accrue et un accès à l'industrie qui leur permet des résultats exceptionnels. Ce sont des experts en recherche de cadres, des conseillers de haut niveau et des mentors dévoués.

Interim Management Solutions Insights

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