Today’s complex landscape demands adaptive, empathetic leaders, who accelerate decision-making to navigate opportunity and mitigate risk.
“Adaptive leaders use lateral thinking and an ability to engage in stakeholder psychology to find their way through complexity”
How can organisations thrive in a complex world of risk?
The pandemic accelerated the processes of social, technological, and economic evolution that had already been underway for several years. The business world has changed and with it, the leadership model.
How can global business leaders deliver on ambitions of growth and reinvention?
Il percorso di sviluppo per i nuovi leader.
Con l'evolversi della pandemia, Mariavittoria Giusti di Boyden condivide la sua opinione esperta su cosa aspettarsi in questo contesto inedito caratterizzato da una nuova socialità e stili di comunicazione.
From a research study by Boyden in collaboration with women business leaders across the globe.