Boyden est heureuse de partager la nouvelle de la nomination de Xavier Brassard-Bédard, un recrutement mené par Marie-Hélène Gaudreault
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Heather Wolfe, a recruitment led by Kevin Gormely
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Dr. Ali Taleb, a recruitment led by Kathy Rahme
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Robert Hunter, a recruitment co-led by Lisa Kershaw and Brent Cameron
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Luciana Nechita, a recruitment led by Andrew Dumont
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Gigi Chen-Kuo, a recruitment co-led by Kathryn Young, Brent Cameron and Ella Hipolito
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Ian McDermott, a recruitment co-led by Pamela Colquhoun and Jim Stonehouse
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Dr. Vera Etches, a recruitment co-led by John Caminiti, Michael Naufal and Claire Leroux
Boyden is pleased to share the appointment news of Dr. Kevin H. M. Kuo, a recruitment co-led by Pamela Colquhoun and Jim Stonehouse